大印国际 The Grand Yin

我们在西虹桥新区最佳区域。 离虹桥火车站、虹桥国际机场只有1.6km;西虹桥购物中心和娱乐场所近在咫尺。 离2号、7号地铁1/2公里路。 开发区前后都有公共汽车站。We are strategically positioned in the new West Hongqiao District. We are 1.6 km from the high-speed rail and international airport centers, as well as prime shopping and entertainment for the Hongqiao Tiandi Center. We are also convenient to No. 17 and No. 2 subway systems, with bus stops at front and back of our development.

赤诚为本, 报效乃魂
Sincerity is our foundation; Returning value is our soul




We love to take pictures and show them to the world.


有兴趣打入上海市场却不知从何下手? 您可以考虑位于虹桥枢纽的大印国际开发项目,它是上海西部最热门和连接最好的物业之一,毗邻虹桥国际机场。 随着限制的放松,它将成为在中国最好开展业务的地方!

Interested in breaking into the Shanghai market but don’t know where to start? You might consider the Yinshida’s Development in the Hongqiao HUB, one of the hottest and best connected properties in West Shanghai, right next to the Hongqiao Int’l Airport. As restrictions ease, it will be the place to be for business in China!


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